Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Christmas Birthdays...

I am a Christmas baby.  That's right, out of 364 other days in the calendar year, I am one of the lucky souls that made my way into this world on December 25th. In my experience this is both a blessing and a curse. Now this may not be true for all people who happen to share their birthday with Christmas, but for me, I can say overall it's been much more a blessing.

It's funny, whenever it comes up for the first time in casual conversation that my birthday is December 25th, I generally get one of  three different reactions. Some people react with something like, "Wow! how cool - you're a Christmas baby?!"  Then there is the second group who look at me sympathetically and say something along the lines of,  "Oh how awful for you, having to get cheated out of birthday presents and parties all your life".  The third group is made up of women, specifically mothers, whom I can just barely detect an underlying tone of contempt: "Oh your poor mother - I'm sure that's one Christmas she'll never forget..."

I love that one. As if it's my fault that my mom suffered through several hours of labor on Christmas Eve and into the following day.  I'm sure it was no picnic for my father either, but I've learned it's NEVER, EVER wise to mention a father's ordeal during delivery (no matter how horrific) in the same context with his wife giving birth. If you said, I know this man who was on his way to the hospital as his wife was in labor and on the way there he was robbed and beaten with a bat. While struggling to get to the hospital he was then hit by a truck, but somehow managed to be there for his wife, who'd been in labor for several hours...  I swear a mother will just ask, "How many hours was the poor thing in labor?".

What always strikes me as a bit strange is when a complete stranger such as a government clerk, pharmacist, loan officer, or any number of soul-less bureaucratic personnel, whom we frequently provide our date of birth, does not react at all when I so matter-of-factly state my date of birth. Come on! You don't have to be all about it. It is somewhat extraordinary though.  Give me something!

I confess, that I do feel a bit special, even privileged having a birthday on Christmas.  And I love the fact that I've never had to work or be in school on my birthday. True, I have never had a real party for my birthday, but anyone who knows me well, also knows that I am not very comfortable with crowds and shy away from any spotlight. So this is a fitting day for me to celebrate with family and in my own manner.  If I choose to stay in sweats all day and start drinking champagne with my breakfast, who's to judge me?  And how many others on their birthday can look forward to having the music of joy, the lights, the candles, the wonder of the season, the amazing aromas coming from the kitchen, the crackling fire.  But most important of all...

I celebrate this special day with all my Christian brothers and sister worldwide as we recognize the special significance of Christmas... The One who gives us the most amazing gift of all.  The One who has brought us back again into a right relationship with God, creator of all there is and all that will be. The One who has given us an eternal destiny where we will one day reign forever with Him. It is about celebrating the birth of our Lord and redeemer, Jesus Christ!

Merry Christmas and God Bless