I'm feeling very confident about this new year. Generally, the beginning of each new year brings many of the same resolutions: recommitment to exercise and nutrition regimens, setting new career goals, renewing spiritual focus and commitments to faith and working on developing family and friend relationships. I might also add, learning some new things, reading more, watching less television and spending less money, while finding contentment in where I am, rather than in what I have.
This year I feel as though I've got a head start on many of these goals. I think this is due to the fact that I made an effort, beginning in mid-December, to launch some new behaviors and disciplines with the hope of building enough momentum to carry into 2012. What usually happens at the end of the year, when I have nearly 3 weeks at home, away from the office. I tend to get into a nesting mode where I watch a lot of television, eat and drink more indulgently and take a break from my regular exercise routines. This was not the case this year.
The end of 2011 had me finish reading through the entire Bible again (both Testaments), going to the local gym every other day (if there was any measurable snowfall, I would've been cross-country skiing the nearby woods on alternate days), learning the French Creole language through a wonderful (and free!) download that a company called Byki makes available. Incidentally, I have learned nearly 60 words or phrases in the language at the time of this writing. This is in preparation for an upcoming mission trip to Haiti in a few weeks. To also prepare for this trip, I've gone to the public library and checked out some books on the turbulent history, culture and geography of Haiti. I also checked out a new video documentary. I will no-doubt return from this adventure with a renewed appreciation for the many multiple blessings this country affords and are easily taken for granted.
I have also been working on a freelance copywriting service to hopefully help supplement my current income. This is also a means for me to get some fulfillment as a wordsmith, something that I very much enjoy. I have purchased the website domain and I'm currently working on the copy. A coworker friend has designed a beautiful logo for me and I am finalizing some of the details - business cards, portfolio samples and layout stuff. I hope to launch this initiative by March. I'm keeping my expectations moderate, in terms of a lucratively rewarding venture. If I can have a little fun, make some money and build some new connections and friendships, which would be good enough for a start. Oh, and I still have an award winning screenplay, Martin Eden, that I am still pimping out for representation and hopefully an option one day.
I figured if I put some of this out in writing that I might be more inclined to keep up my momentum. It's all about growing, learning, fulfilling, relating and giving back. Oh, and one other thing I need to keep up on…I must continue blogging…
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