Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Blog!

It has been a year ago that I published my first blog post to the Whine Press. I just felt as though I needed to somehow acknowledge the one year birthday (anniversary?) of this blog. The Whine Press was actually created last summer, but it sat latent for some months as Zep, the blogs other regular contributor, and I decided what it was going to be. Like so many with the intention of starting a blog, we weren't sure exactly what our focus was going to be. It seems after an entire year, that this still seems to be the case.

One thing I can say is that we've been rather consistent in providing fresh content, albeit a rather disjointed and unconnected smattering of topics, personal observations and  life experiences, we do bring it. Still, I feel our content is pretty timely and real, for the most part. Like life itself, much of it is fun, some of it is a little sad, there are some shameful and embarrassing moments. A little bitterness is felt at times (hence the "whine"). You will find some spiritual reflection, family situations and tender moments. Over the past year you will also find a good number of "aha !" and "why?" moments woven throughout.

My first post, last October 13th, involved a wedding of a mutual friend that Zep and I both attended as guests. This particular wedding involved a road trip, an overnight stay in the dairy capitol of the nation. In this particular wedding there also happened to be a pig (Moo) in the ceremony, who acted as ring-bearer during the ceremony. After that post we came out of the gate strong and posted regular in the weeks that followed. We lost much of our initial momentum toward the onset of the holiday season, but again found our stride once again during the early months of 2012 and beyond.

I know that thousands of blogs are launched daily and a large percentage of these are not maintained, become neglected and forgotten over time and many fizzle out completely. I feel like a year of loyal commitment and and dedication deserves a little recognition, even it if it is only from me. Thank you Zep for your thoughtful and often amusing contributions - you are also the one who got this off the ground and provided the look and feel of our baby. Now that it has legs...Happy Birthday Whine Press!

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