Friday, May 2, 2014

If I had a way back machine...

I truly envy the mindful person who has always lived each day to the fullest. I've evolved and grown to be that person now but wish I could spare the younger version of me the bumpy thorny path it took to get here. If I could hop in my TARDIS and go back a few years, I'd whisper...

1.   If you have to work that hard to get noticed by a guy, do you really think he will pay attention/notice you in a relationship?
2.   Date the nerds, date the nerds, date the nerds!
3.   You are not fat, embrace your healthy strong body!
4.   Wax.  That's all.
5.   Spend more time with your siblings.
6.   Spend more time with your parents.
7.   Make sure to go on a honeymoon.
8.   You will not break/screw up/totally ruin your child.  You have to work very hard to mess them up and as long as you have good intentions they should be okay.
9.   You will not physically break them either (when bathing, dressing, collapsing their plank tight little bodies that don't want to sit in a car seat)
10. Those high priced items you had to have didn't hold your interest for very long...usually before they were paid for.
11.  Don't use credit!
12.  Moisturize!!!
13.  For God's sake, remember that the hot sauce at the strawberry fest is SAUCE not SALSA!! Only a drop on the chip! Only a drop!!

What would YOU whisper to your younger self given the chance?

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