Friday, October 28, 2022

Follow your Joy

I've been seeing a consistent sentiment in a number of places lately. All takes on "follow your Joy". It always makes me laugh, as, truth be told my real name is Joy. It has come in handy for many a witty retort - "Its a JOY to meet you" and also a few salacious moments (Here's looking at you high school boys who wore "spread the joy" christmas buttons).  

I got to thinking though... what does "follow your joy" really mean.  It's a bit creepy thinking people are going to literally stalk me, but let's look at it the more wholesome way. If you truly want to follow your joy, why don't you try following my best self?  Here are some tips:

1. Stop thinking everything is a conspiracy against you. Most things just are. Embrace Occam's razor - the simplest explanation is usually the best one. 

2. Hone your critical thinking skills. Hopefully you wouldn't eat a pile of shit if a celebrity or influencer told you it was good for you, why would you listen to them when it comes to your health, your wealth and your views?

3.  Stop assigning traits and values to other people, especially through social media.  How about you have conversations with people and really listen.  I know it's hard, especially with someone you believe is ill-informed, or has a radical, very negative view. But go with me on this one, sometimes by not trying to prove your point, you can find some common ground, or at the very least be a reminder of what resonableness looks like. Remember Proverbs 26:4 (Yea I had to look it up too) "Do not answer a fool according to his folly or you yourself will be just like him"

4. Before you attack someone getting something you won't or someone who doesn't look like you wanting to be embraced by society, ask yourself this question. "WHAT IN THE HELL DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH ME?"  Usually nothing.  Trust me, you'll be fine.

5. Love.  Thats it, just love people. Extend love to everyone everywhere.

6. Gratitude. Be thankful. Most of you who will read this have warm beds, fully tummys and people who love you.  That makes you richer than many.

There is more, but I don't expect follow your joy means eat meals of 1 salami, 2 olives and a pickle or care not for fashion.  Maybe all of this can come down to one basic rule... Just don't be a dick.

Thank you and good day to you!

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