Sunday, October 30, 2011
The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind...a halloweeeeen story!!
So my kid has a real job. A 9 to 5 er (actually an 830-530er but you know what I mean). He needed his social security card to bring to work tomorrow. He is a bit nervous as he wants to make a good impression so having everything they ask for is essential in his getting good sleep tonight. Yesterday, his father and I went to the store to buy him a few shirts as a "good luck" present. We find some nice ones (even if the father was dubious about the purple strip one, but I know this kid and he'll look a treat in it) and took them home to be laundered and ironed. The phone rings and aforementioned son reminded me to bring the soc card. I looked in the file and gasp!!! No card!! I'm freaking out. I keep yelling "Father Father!! Where is sons card??". No answer. I'm running around and the father overhears and says "oh, I put it with the shirts I ironed". WHEW! So all is well...until the morning.......
Grab a bag, put shirts, card, other mail in the bag. Flop it in the back seat. Now this is a very very big bag and the contents are very small and down in the bottom of the bag. Oh, let me is a winnie the pooh blustery day in the city. It is a detail to take note of. Traffic is light, we make the city in record time. I get out of the car, grab the bag being careful to hold it just so to avoid the newly pressed shirts getting wrinkled and walk to his apartment. We take shirts out of bag and HORROR!!! No social security card! We shake out mail, shirts, stuff on his bed and determine that, nope, card is not there. I run down to the car and look in the back seat and around the car, nope, card is not there. THERE IS NOW A PANIC!!! It is decided that the card never made it into the bag (although deep down inside I believe it did). I can't explain this. I hop in the car and head for home to see if I can find the prankster playing government identification. I'm heading close to home when it hits me.....this would be my late mothers idea of a perfect Halloween joke...her's and my late brothers.....I say out loud "HEY...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...I know you are pranking me, but my son?? He is your buddy!! He is your shining light!! This is going to effect the one you love the most! It won't just f me up mother! It is going to f up the light of your now former life!!" Approximately 35 seconds later my phone is my son.."Mom, you are not going to believe it, dad and I were outside looking around and I bent down to look under the cars on the opposite side of the road and when I stood up I looked to my right and there it was...blowing in the grass down the street. Damn thing had to be out there for 45 minutes or so..but i have it"......Hmmmm....coincidence that he found it just after I reminded my late mother who would suffer from her prank??? Could be, but as it is Halloween eve, I think not....I'm sleeping with one eye open tonight.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
It Was the Best Halloween Costume…It Was Worst Halloween Costume…

As the evening wore on, I realized there was a big problem. I hadn't thought about the fact that I would be drinking several pitchers of beer during the party. This costume was not designed for frequent bathroom visits. Imagine for a moment the contortions one must go through to quickly extricate one's manhood from a pair of shorts, a leotard and tights?! It was a nightmare! It seems to me that I ended up cutting an access port through the nylon at some point later in the night. It was a great costume; it was just very bad in function. Still, I think my friend, Frank, had it worse that night. I recall that he went to the party dressed as Robin Hood, but all night people mistook him for Peter Pan.
Does this ever happen to you?
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Freud would have a field day...
This morning I am left wondering why some days I have perfectly normal thoughts and see things for what they are and other days my mind goes straight to smut, or more accurately, why on I'm stealing the mind of some 12 year old boy. Let me explain......occasionally I have to drive into work. Drive might be a bit inaccurate as the word "drive" implies forward movement. Not a lot of forward movement on the 90 in the morning heading into Chicago. This lack of movement gives one the opportunity to let their mind wander....and wander mine did. Indeed. It wandered into the land of "huh, that sure looks phallic". Once you go down this path, you will find that this world is made of objects that are in phallic shape. Is this due to having a male dominated society? Did one land baron put up a smoke stack in this shape and the next one had a bigger girthier one to prove their manliness? In our products and signage, is the idea to attract women by formatting common things in this shape? (it calls to mind a few female deodorants whose shapes would make a sex shop clerk blush) I won't point out all the different objects, buildings, signs, trees that I felt were in phallic shape during my ride as I don't want you to suggest intensive therapy to me. I will point out that if you have some extra time, say while on the 90 in Chicago, and are approaching Jefferson Park, keep your eyes peeled and be prepared to giggle. (Like I said...12 year old boy)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Biology, Theology and Ichthyology…

I have a pond that is really central to our beautiful garden landscape. At its peak during the summer, it is colorful, serene and attracts birds and other interesting wildlife, and the sound of spilling water is so calming. At night I have it softly lit so we can enjoy it when sitting out with a fire and glass of wine.
I have a spring and fall ritual for opening the pond season and closing it down for the winter. I like to choose one of the last warm days of autumn to cut my water lilies down, dredge out the debris, clean and store the filter parts. But most important to this ritual, is catching the fish and bringing them in to a tank I've set up in my basement to house them during the brutally frigid Chicago winter months when the pond freezes over solid.
I have to imagine the fish would welcome this controlled indoor environment, especially if they knew what the alternative was – a very dark and cold entombment until April. Koi and goldfish are coldblooded, so it's possible for them to survive outdoors for the winter. This is providing that there is a hole in the ice to allow for exchange of surface gases. Koi and goldfish, if left outdoors for the cold season, begin to go into hibernation mode when the water temperature reaches about 50 degrees. They stop eating and their metabolism slows down to conserve energy as they prepare for a state of suspended animation. I know this, because I used to leave my fish to withstand the winter elements for years. I gave them a fighting chance by using a stock tank heater which floats on the surface and uses just enough energy to allow for a small hole in the ice.
This is the second year I brought my fish indoors. They look so content in the tank, free from predators, warm and well-fed. This makes me feel like a fish-god of sorts. This all made me wonder why my fish were trying so hard to hide and evade my net when all I sincerely want is what's ultimately best for them. This is much the way we often react to our loving God in Heaven. We run and try and hide, because of course, we know what's best for ourselves. I was getting frustrated as I tried to catch the fish and wishing I could somehow make them realize that I'm only doing what is best for their well-being.
It's interesting, that the Christian symbol for God is fish-related. There are a few explanations for this. Fish do not close their eyes, so the perception is they never really sleep. God is all seeing and never closes His eyes. Then of course there is the ichthus symbol, from the ancient Greek word for fish… (Ich-thoos).

Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Critter
Let me introduce you to a delight fondly referred to as "The Critter"
Public the Critter, The Critter, Public.
This is serious stuff. The Critter (as it is has been named by my family) is a delicious fritter that can only be obtained in Madison Wisconsin at Greenbush Bakery. It is simply the sincerest form of telling your tummy you love it. The Critter can be had in either apple or blueberry and is a limited run in the morning. You can not even imagine the sadness in your belly when you walk into Greenbush and see emptyness where nirvana once was. This is truly a case of 'you snooze, you lose' as they make only so many critters and when they sell out...well they sell out.
I only get up to Madison every other month or so but one of my favorite habits is my early morning walk on Sundays..... I pass the Catholic church with its elderly parishoners dressed in their finery to attend the earliest mass, the students stumbling home after crashing in random houses that had late night parties, early morning joggers out to fill their lungs with the crisp autumn air, and end up Greenbush Bakery in time for my pick of Critters. In an ever crazed world some of us chose to live in, the walk, the scene and The Critter gives a call to mind that life is delicious.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Halloween… Humbug!

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Dracula Doesn’t Completely Suck…

Weekends are way too short these days. Daughter home from college – my parents and two younger brothers over on Saturday night and we had nice visit with wine, Giordano's pizza and Mom's lasagna and meatballs. We all got together to see my recently deceased older brother's widow, Bev, play viola in the pit at Cutting Hall theater in Palatine. Beverly and orchestra were wonderful!
The show was the Midwest premier of Dracula the Musical. The show was not half as bad as the title might suggest, though there were a few moments of badly suppressed giggling. There were several scenes where Dracula was wired to fly. You can always anticipate stage flight. The wires are conspicuously visible as the actors are generally tethered from the beginning of the scene, while you wait in hopeful, yet in a twisted half-hope of some equipment malfunction. Or perhaps that is just me.
I always imagine they might be hooked up wrong, the wire will snap, or the actor will be buffeted repeatedly against the set walls, while twisting around like a helpless piñata at a kid's party. I think this was actually part of the draw for the recent Spiderman Musical catastrophe. All went well, but it wasn't enough to just have Dracula airborne. I guess whoever produced this show figured, as long as we have the flying equipment rigged, at who knows what cost, we may as well have some of the other actors fly around too. So the margin of possible mishap exponentially increased with the, seemingly random, aerial exhibitions. By the time it was all over, the characters of Lucy, Mina and even the insect-loving Renfield all had some air-time.
So yes, there were some giggles during what was, presumably intended to be some very dramatic theater. But there was another moment in the show, where if I were to guess, I would say that nearly half of the audience was suppressing some serious outburst of laughter. This was a scene, early in the second act, where Lucy is more vampire than human after repeated necking with the blood-starved Count. She is chased off stage, by Van Helsing and posse, as she's about to feast on an innocent little girl. Suddenly there is an offstage scream and one of the vampire hunters walks back on stage while clutching, by long blonde locks, the severed head of Lucy.
It makes me wonder if theater has really gotten so bad that dramatic moments evoke such fits of ambiguous laughter, or is it possibly a very clever part on the writers/producers to make the show much more fun, by giving the audience the illusion that we are being irreverent. Perhaps we are falling as much under their spell as Dracula had over his immortal minions?
Friday, October 14, 2011
You know you're old when....
Ah.........I think on the way home I'll stop at the store for that support hose I've been wanting to try....
Thursday, October 13, 2011
When Pigs Fly...