Note the's important.....the details that led up to the picture are not important, just say that they are excuses and the same outcome would have occurred even if the events leading up to it were different. The picture is indeed a result of someone checking their email, while crossing a street with a crowd of people and being a natural, how you say, um, klutz. In checking email mode, one is not always cognizant of the pitfalls (or actual pits) of the roadway beneath their feet as they are ever obsessed with the newest "critical" message that appears on glowing screen. For the connection obsessed, tripping is inevitable and probably well deserved. My actions as I tripped are not something to be proud of. In pursuit of keeping the phone safe, the writer, when tripping and falling worried more about hand meeting the pavement in such a way that the phone, grasped in aforementioned hand, would be safe, instead of how the body would land. And land this body did....with a thud and a rip (hence the picture). The heartwarming thing was how the huddled masses yearning to be free from their workdays stopped, showed concern, helped me up, made sure I could walk, pooh poohed my "oh I'm so embarrassed" and generally made one glad to be part of the human race. Spirits soaring, I continued on in a sprightly, if not a bit limipity fashion with love in my heart.... until I got to work. My story was related to my team and a young colleague gave this story back. " Here is how you know you are old...if when you trip and fall people laugh at you, you are still young....if you trip and fall and they show concern and help you are old".....
Ah.........I think on the way home I'll stop at the store for that support hose I've been wanting to try....
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