So, If I told you that I was at a friend's wedding last weekend and there was a real live cloven-hoofed pig at the ceremony, the first thing you might say is, "What kind of wedding was that?" it was actually one of the most beautiful ceremonies I've ever witnessed. Not only was it a perfect fall day, but the wedding was outdoors in a bucolic setting. Golden leaves were gently raining down upon the bride, groom and minister. At the same time musicians were strumming guitars as vocalists brought forest and valley alive with the sounds of Christian harmony.
Okay, back to the pig...
Not only was the pig (His name is Moo) present at the ceremony, but Moo took part in the ceremony. Moo was, in fact the the ring bearer...even if the rings he carried on a ribbon around his collar was only a symbolic likeness of the actual bands. Thankfully, Moo was not present at the reception. I don't think that would fly. But the pig sure did fly at the ceremony. After all, he's a very close member of the family...and we were in Wisconsin.
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