Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Perfect Blog Storm...

It's been some time since I've posted a blog here at The Whine Press.  I need to get back into a regular rhythm again as I have been faithfully maintaining two blogs up until the new year. I'm not sure what happened to cause this lapse.  My other blog, Arkenstone, which is dedicated to my journey in creating, marketing and hopefully one day, selling or optioning my award winning screenplay, Martin Eden has been fun to watch the following from all over the world.  You see, I need to blog again if only to keep my name and work active in the search engine realm.

I've had nearly 1000 page views on Arkenstonenow. Perhaps my clever strategy to choose a name which I knew, at the time I launched the blog, was likely to be searched out more after the release of the film version of The Hobbit.  I read Tolkien's book and thought the Arkenstone, which was a long lost gem of the dwarvish protagonists in the tale, and key element to the story, was sure to get some search engine action once the film was released. It seems to be working as my posting to Arkenstone has lapsed along with this blog, but somehow is getting a good amount of traffic.

Well as it turns out, I have been charged with possibly starting a 3rd blog on the website of The Orchard EFC. This is the church where I attend. I have just returned from a mission trip to Haiti and was asked, if I would be willing to promote, generate and solicit interest in awareness for our work in Haiti. How can anybody say "no" to church folk?

So I need to get back on track and get more disciplined about the practice of writing. I want to continue The Whine Press along with my good friend Zep, as a means to express whatever is on my mind. I feel the need to maintain the Arkenstone blog as a professional tool and means to promote and showcase my screenwriting accomplishments. And once I decide to launch my next blogging initiative, it will be a space where I can express my passion and share with my Christian family - promoting work relating to spiritual and eternal significance.

When I consider it, I have an outlet for the personal, professional and spiritual aspects of my embodiment.  It's an ideal balance, a perfect trinity of mind, body and spirit. Amazing! Not my plan.

And to think, when I began writing this post, I had fully intended it to be a piece about how I really like the fact that snow storms are now given names, like Nemo.  So weird how the writing process can hijack your mind...