Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One good blog deserves another!

Well Happy Birthday to us!  This brings to mind something I've been trying to put into words and just haven't been able to get write..(Get it?).  Leave it to my fellow cohort, Jim, to create a path for me to do it! (I think I might have to nickname him bushwacker as he seems to start me on most of my good/enriching paths)

I've been thinking about presents.  Those delightfully bright packages with beautiful ribbons and funny cards attached.  Thoughtful presents given to you by people who know you well, "walgreens" presents for people who want to mark an occasion they had forgotten until the moment they saw you, and obligation presents -the ones you really don't want to accept but do so now both you and the giver share in the gift of resentment....  I think back to all the presents I have received over my life and for some reason it hit me hard...the best presents I have ever received is the present of friendship.  I am proud to say that I have the most unique and varied gifts in this respect.  I have people that even I have a hard time being around for any length of time, people who make me laugh so hard I almost pee, people who make me cry (in a good way), people who nurture me (thank goodness as  there are some who suck the nurture right out of me!).  I am very grateful for all these gifts of friendship.  Opening my heart like the revolving door at the train station has brought me some amazing insight and knowledge that I would never have received had I kept to my own kind (whatever that is!).

So, on this, the birthday of our "baby", I want to express my gratitude for all the good friendships I've been fortunate to have and most especially for my cohort in practical jokes, solving the worlds problems and train wine - my fellow contributor Jim.  Jim has given me a unique perspective that I was lucky enough to pay attention to.  His writing skills, pursuit of his dreams and infinite love for his family have been an example that I can truly say changed this here Zep's life.  So here's to you Jim, me and the Whine Press!!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww...so nice!!! Thank you for those kind words. What a special thing we've got going.

    Love you!
